
[PROJECT] # Visit to the site of the Sainte-Marie Hospital Center in Privas (07), a complex project combining rehabilitation and new construction in an occupied environment.

The AIA Life Designers teams from Lyon and their guests visited the site of the Sainte-Marie Hospital Center in Privas (07). This project involves complex work combining #rehabilitation and new construction in a busy city center.

The institution has continually adapted to the developments in contemporary #psychiatric medicine. Iconic buildings like the historic Chapel, consecrated in 1827, are being rehabilitated while aiming to provide interior comfort. Around this heritage, four new buildings are arranged in a comb-like layout. These new hospital units offer a secure and #soothing environment, with rooms designed as open cocoons overlooking green spaces.

Community life thrives at the heart of the buildings in meeting spaces like the agora, multipurpose hall, sports hall, or music room, encouraging interaction between patients and staff. The spaces are designed to preserve views and maintain a structured yet inclusive communal living through glass partitions.

The outdoor spaces, including the demolition of obsolete structures, aim to create environments conducive to contemplation and convalescence. The gardens become places for walking and rejuvenation, actively contributing to patients’ therapeutic journeys.

Thanks to Annie RAMBAUD-GONTIER, the facility’s director, and Maxence Claude Bocquart, the project director of the Hospital Center, as well as the project managers from Campenon Bernard Dauphiné Savoie for their hospitality.

Thanks also to Madame Sabine Laffay from Ars Drôme-Ardèche and the heritage management of the Georges Boissel Foundation, the members of LE CERCLE DE ZAHA, and the VINCI team for their participation.


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