On Wednesday, October 18, the “topping-out ceremony” took place in Angers for the ongoing construction of Station A, a shared office building.
đź“Ť Why this event? To honor the woodworking trades and the work of craftsmen by hanging a bouquet of Angevin flowers on the still-visible structure of the building. But more importantly, it was an opportunity for us and all project stakeholders to observe the progress of the construction of this future unique place!
#Lowtech The low-carbon ambition of the project required strong low-tech considerations, and the use of a biosourced material was an obvious choice for our future showcase agency of our commitments. Therefore, wood is used in the structure. SBB connectors (AIA Engineering patent) are installed on the wood-concrete hybrid elements. The integration of parieto-dynamic windows allows for natural heating: the air, passing between the triple glazing, is preheated before being redistributed to the offices. This choice allowed for precise sizing of the ventilation systems, which were maintained in a single-flow configuration. Finally, the choice of a shared office system and mutualized spaces and uses leads to a reduction in the total building area, allowing for less construction for equivalent uses.
#Mutualization The spearhead of La Station A is to bring together companies committed to reducing carbon emissions in one place. The goal is to encourage interactions between different sectors to generate innovative ideas. To encourage this collective and cross-sector emulation, some spaces are designed to be fully mutualized among companies. Exchange spaces such as meeting rooms and the #workcafé, as well as working spaces like alcoves, are open to all occupants, and their management is centralized through digital means.
We express our warm thanks to the individuals who spoke during this ceremony: @Maryse ChrĂ©tien, Municipal Councilor Delegated to Urban Planning and Francophony for Jean-Marc VERCHERE. Laurent Rossez, Director of Strategy and Innovation at AIA Life Designers. Johanne Guichard Floc’h, General Manager of Johanne San. Patrice Gillen, Regional Director Grand Ouest, Groupe Duval. Daniel DIMICOLI, President of Soclova. Olivier Bourhis, Territorial Director of the Banque des Territoires for Maine et Loire.
> Learn more about this project.
Photo © Axel Dahl
Photo © AIA Life Designers