
[EXHIBITION] The exhibition “How are we doing?” presented by the AIA Foundation is part of the European Sustainable Development Week (ESDW) 2021

The exhibition “How are we doing?” presented by the AIA Foundation is part of the European Sustainable Development Week (ESDW) 2021, a European initiative to promote projects which foster sustainable development and its 17 objectives (ODD).

The exhibition showcases forward-looking work based on architecture, health and the environment by revealing the interactions between urban areas and our collective health. It looks at 3 aspects of sustainable development:

-Good health & well-being

-Urban areas & sustainable communities

-The fight against climate change

Faced with the massive increase in health, social and environmental vulnerabilities, it has become essential to reconsider the way we build and develop our urban areas, both to counter adverse health factors and make the most of the assets of urban areas to deal with these crises.

The exhibition looks at health as a collective issue, on the scale of urban conurbations. Although the history of progress has always been linked to improvements in health and medicine, this curve is beginning to show signs of a reversal: lower life expectancy, greater number of chronic illnesses and the risk of worldwide epidemics. Above all, the future of health is today dependent on the environmental crisis, which has become the challenge of the 21st century.

Find out more about the European Sustainable Development Week here: https://esdw.eu/events/comment-allons-nous/