
[EVENT] #AIA Life Designers Playful Workshops at the Cité des Sciences for the Women Engineers event on February 10th and 11th, 2024.

Join our engineers as part of the third edition of this sponsorship that promotes female engineering professions among young people, students, families, and children. 📣 On the agenda, 3 activities (no registration required):

The apprentice #builders : make bricks out of #raw_earth : measuring, mixing, shaping, compressing, and drying. This material will no longer hold any secrets for you and your children.

#Deconstruct, reconstruct: come break raw earth bricks with us and observe how they react. Can this material be reused?

The Centre Pompidou as you’ve never seen it: equipped with a #virtual_reality headset, take a stroll behind the scenes of the “Beaubourg” renovation project in Paris.